Monday, March 15, 2010

La Vida Laputa!

Okay so I know this is from last time with the Brobdingnag but I was at the Logan Airport and there was this HUGE coffee cup and like a nerd I took a picture of it with my phone...

Anyways, the two passages I thought were interesting from Laputa was when they first introduced the food, and it was all geometrical, and but then when they were talking about the houses how they were bevyed, which I'm pretty sure is build at an angle. It just struck me how the food, things that are traditionally allowed to be crazy and unchecked, and the houses which are suppose to be geometrical were switched, like the qualities that define the objects were switched.

And just because I thought it would be cool I googled pictures of geometric food:

The second thing I thought was really cool was when they were talking about how the King kept the other towns in check by physically moving over them and eclipsing them from the natural elements. It's like he was physically replacing them by taking away the rain and the sun, and leaving them in a sort of limbo, unable to survive or

Also, apparently there is some sort of Anime movie called Laputa, Castle in the Sky in case you wanted to watch that here's the link:

Anddd I found this picture and thought it was a cool interpretation of Laputa, I'm not sure if it's from the movie or not:

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