Monday, April 26, 2010

Comic Book Central

Okay so I know I totally dropped the ball on the whole posting thing last week and I apologize even though I'm about 98% positive nobody else actually reads this. Anywho, I actually thought this was pretty cool, not only because it was the book I used to kill my very first fly (which had been flying around my apartment for days) but the last like two or three pages completely changed my entire perspective on the entire story, which I appreciate after I got over the anger that always overcomes me when I realized I've been tricked. I think one of the cooler things about this was the whole finding out the old man was walking in a pattern, like he was transforming this already mapped out space into something completely different and unique, if only just to himself. But I thought that manipulation was really interesting. It reminded me of the idea of "lived" space we talked about last week, and how it's something in between perceived space and conceived space. Like, the city he's walking around in, you can physically see it from above or from the ground, and it's the path the people who live in the city follow. But by the old man, Peter I think his name was, creating his own map based on these hallucinations or beliefs, it's like he's pushing the boundaries of this already created space, manipulating it into something personal, something of his own. In class we talked about how "lived" space was kind of like an imaginary map put over perceived space, and that was all I could think of when I saw those letter maps. Like it took this already mapped out version of the city and threw over this fantasy map created in his own head. I thought it was an interesting idea.

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